(07) 3393 9541

A team of expert financial managers

A team of expert financial managers


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Brett Pfeiffer

Finance Manager
0411 833 703
   Sunshine Coast Hinterland, QLD

Experience, industry knowledge, integrity and customer satisfaction are the main attributes that have contributed to my success in the finance broking industry.

13 years with a Bank, 9 years in small business, and finance broking since 1995 has certainly honed my skills and beliefs in building customer relationships, as well as providing the wealth of knowledge and experience necessary for creating a large and loyal, local and interstate customer base.

In 2007, I joined the RFS Finance team, largely to further my professional development and to align myself with likeminded industry professionals who have an extremely strong customer service and relationship focus.

I hold a Diploma of Financial and Mortgage Broking Management, I am a member of the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (Accredited Mortgage Consultant), I am a Justice of the Peace/Commissioner for Declarations, and my numerous Financial Institution accreditations provide me with access to a substantial Lender/Product offering.

I wholeheartedly embrace a "client-for-life" philosophy. The greatest thrill for me in my business is being able to assist my customers with the best available products throughout their life journey to wealth creation, including but not limited to first and subsequent homes, vehicles, investment properties, investment portfolios, market leading Superannuation and Risk Insurance products.

Brett is always wonderful to deal with, can't recommend his services enough.
