(07) 3393 9541

<span>A home loan that suits your needs</span>

A home loan that suits your needs

Mortgage lending is a highly competitive field. When you're shopping for a loan, information on interest rates is confusing and can change regularly. In addition, these rates tell just part of the story and there are many other factors to consider. You'll also need to study the various fees lenders charge, the features each loan offers and the term you require.

At RFS Finance, we believe the time is right to take away some of the mystery involved with financing your property purchases. The free service offered by our finance managers has been designed to make your decisions easier. We can help you calculate repayments to fit your budget and determine which loan features will make life most comfortable for you and your family. We will also fill out all the application forms and handle all the paperwork for you.

RFS Finance - a new and better way to finance your home!