AMP Master Limit

The Master Limit feature is an overall lending limit that is available for a borrower's financing needs, now and in the future. It can provide flexibility to borrowers to restructure their debts between deductible and non-deductible debt, for either 5 or 10 years. The Master Limit (up to a maximum of 80% LVR or the applicant's borrowing capacity) may be approved when the applicant applies for a loan and can consist of up to 10 splits or 'sub-accounts' of which the combined total credit limits must always equal the Master Limit.

Benefits for borrowers. The borrower controls the mix of splits under the umbrella of the Master Limit (total of sub-account credit limits must always equal the Master Limit amount). Flexibility to restructure sub-accounts for free as often as required for the term selected (maximum of 10 splits), to meet current and future needs (sub-account limit re-balancing only) open new splits, switch products, rearrange loan limits, without completing a full application or property re-valuations provided the total of sub-account credit limits remain equal to approved Master Limit amount. Simple process to apply for a Master Limit or to restructure/re-balance sub-accounts under a Master Limit.

Line of credit (LOC) must be the primary sub-account (minimum $10K) and will be used to take up any remaining equity to ensure total sub-account credit limits always equal the Master Limit. One-off upfront $399 Master Limit application fee at the time of the loan application with no further fees for re-arranging sub-accounts. No annual review. Can assist a borrower's investment strategy to build assets and future wealth (eg investing in shares).