If you need to find out what is on your credit report quickly, or you want to protect your credit reputation and identity, My Credit Alert can help.
You'll get your credit report within one business day via email so you see your credit history information and can confirm all the details are correct. Plus, you'll receive credit alerts for 12 months, notifying you every time certain changes happen to your credit report.
One in four Australians claim to have been a victim of identity theft. Don't wait until it is too late before you discover you're a victim. With credit alerts you'll receive an email when certain changes occur on your credit report. This could be a new credit enquiry where someone is using your name to apply for credit and run up debts in your name! You can then put a stop to it before you lose precious time and money. Protect your credit reputation and identity with My Credit Alert.
For more information & to apply click on below